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Find out about Faros AI's latest product changes.

May 23, 2023

Charts and Dashboards Continue to Improve!

Faros has upgraded its charting tool to include the highly anticipated "now" operator, improved customization, and more!

Highlights include:

  • Cards support a now() operator to reference the current date-time
  • Dashboard filter dropdowns can be customized, giving you more control over what is displayed
  • New link cards in dashboards let you easily link to other dashboards
  • Enhanced data download allows you to download data for a single question or export a question as a PDF

And even more visualization enhancements and refinements:

  • Smarter tooltips offer increased utility in multi-series charts with totals and percentages, time series including days of the week, and more
  • Pivot tables are now optimized for snappier performance and allow you to export pivoted data. We also made the columns resizable, and you can now disable/enable row and column totals
  • Visualization Charts now support customization of series encompassing over 20 groups
  • Chart settings now recognize custom column names
  • Introduced a new visualization type, "Detail," which displays a row as an easy-to-read card (note: this feature may have some issues)

May 23, 2023

Charts and Dashboards Continue to Improve!

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