The Engineering Productivity Handbook

A guide to tailoring your initiative to your goals, operating model, and culture.

The Engineering Productivity Handbook will teach you:

What to measure & why it matters
How to collect & normalize productivity data
The key to operationalizing metrics to drive impact

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February 17, 2025
min read


Why Engineering Productivity Matters

Engineering is an increasingly important and expensive function. According to BCG, the fastest-growing companies are spending more than 20% of their revenues on R&D and as much as 40% to 50% when trying to expand beyond their core products.

As custodians of these budgets, engineering leaders are being asked to know their business thoroughly and explain what engineering is doing, how it relates to key company initiatives, and what resources they need and where. To say it simply, they must be able to conduct business-oriented conversations about very technical things. 

Those answers are usually knowable for a small shop with a score of engineers, but as you scale, it gets much harder. That’s when organizations typically establish engineering productivity programs to create a line of sight for leaders while, in parallel, empowering line managers and teams to make the right decisions.  

About this Guide

To drive productivity initiatives, many engineering organizations are turning to software engineering intelligence platforms, which offer the visibility needed to optimize engineering efficiency and effectiveness. 

But how exactly do you measure productivity? 

Some people will tell you there’s a right and wrong way to measure productivity—and the right way applies uniformly to everyone. 

This guide's approach is more nuanced. There is a right way, and it depends on your context.

  • Your engineering productivity program should be adapted to your context, including what you need to achieve, how you work, and what you value. It will draw on many best practices but be tailored to your unique organization.
  • Your context will naturally change over time as you grow, evolve, and respond to market forces, and your program will evolve along with these changes. 

This guide will help you identify the right path for you and navigate the five main steps of a successful data-driven engineering productivity program. It will also cover the important practical implementation details you need to know so you can resource and execute your program well.

Handbook Overview

StepGuiding PrincipleWhat To Do Next
Chapter 1
What should we measure?
Identify what matters to you.
Tailor your program to your business context, otherwise there will be no buy-in.
  • Identify your goals based on your company’s stage.
  • Understand how your operating model dictates key analysis dimensions.
  • Take care to preserve your engineering culture in your approach to metrics.
Chapter 2
Which data sources should we collect?
Begin with the basics and advance.
Take a step-wise approach to achieve quick wins while gradually completing the picture.
  • Baseline with task, PR, and org chart data.
  • Blend in developer surveys and collaboration tools.
  • Expand to form a holistic view of quality, reliability, and security.
  • Align to corporate objectives with business outcome tracking.
Chapter 3
How can we normalize and validate the data?
Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of good. 
Data quality is a result of visibility, not a pre-condition. Introduce top-down and bottom-up motions to incrementally improve.
  • Let the metrics highlight data inconsistencies that teams should address without enforcing wholesale standardization.
  • If leaders demonstrate they care, teams will address the data gaps, anomalies, and outliers identified by metrics.
Chapter 4
How do we begin to understand our current state?
Take a role-based approach.
Get a sense of overall health for the performance dimensions you care about, validate gut feelings, and identify hotspots.
  • Gauge the current state with benchmarks.
  • Counteract data overload with visualizations and AI.
  • Validate and contextualize findings.
  • Perform ad-hoc, impromptu analysis to answer emerging questions.
Chapter 5
How do we operationalize the data to achieve impact?
Change management is essential to becoming a data-led organization.
Inject data into your recurring cadences and decision-making processes across the five core pillars of engineering operations.
  • Productivity: Monthly operational reviews and project reviews.
  • Delivery: Quarterly planning, sprint retros, and initiative reviews.
  • Outcomes: C-Suite and board reporting, quarterly reviews, and midpoint check-ins.
  • Budgets: Annual planning, quarterly reviews, vendor contract negotiations, global sourcing strategic planning, and periodic accounting/compliance events.
  • Talent: Performance reviews, workforce planning, and organizational restructuring.

Chapter 1: What to Measure

The SPACE framework is the most comprehensive framework for measuring engineering productivity today. SPACE advocates for a holistic view of productivity without being overly prescriptive. It also combines system-generated telemetry with developer sentiment gathered from surveys and interviews. Measuring multiple dimensions shields your program from unintended consequences and potential metric gaming. (If you’re familiar with DORA metrics, they are a subset of the SPACE framework.)

But in reality, adopting SPACE is hard. 

SPACE offers suggestions for a smorgasbord of metrics in each of its five dimensions: Satisfaction and well-being, Performance, Activity, Communication and collaboration, and Efficiency and flow. Which metrics should you pick? Which ones are right for you?

In this chapter, we’ll answer these questions:

  • Which metrics are important to measure?
  • What data points help us understand the health of our engineering organization?

Guiding Principle: Identify What Matters to You

Before deciding what to measure, take a beat to identify what’s important to your organization, how you define success, and what productivity looks like to you.

In selecting what to measure, consider three elements:

  • What you need to achieve: Companies have different goals, priorities, and challenges at different stages of their lifecycle. A scaling ecommerce startup that just raised its Series C is optimizing for different results than a publicly-traded enterprise in a highly regulated domain. This guide will help you identify what to measure at your current stage.
  • How you work: Your operating model introduces different dimensions to how you analyze and examine productivity. Do you insource or outsource? Are you hybrid or fully remote? Are you structured with regional hubs or geo-concentrated? Do you have multiple SDLCs?
  • Your engineering culture: The organization’s values and DNA determine which data is collected. For example, a company that uses ranking in its formal performance management processes will likely be comfortable with individual metrics, while others may prefer to go down to the team level only.
Figure 1.1: Business context that influences metric selection

We’ve prepared a step-by-step guide to help you answer these questions. As you read, mark the rows that sound like you. At the end of this exercise, you’ll have a good ide`a of the leading and lagging indicators to measure, the dimensions for analysis, and the way the information will be shared.

Step 1: Identify Your Goals

Below are typical goals and engineering productivity metrics based on the stage of your company. Metrics are additive as a company progresses through the stages.

Figure 1.2: The evolving engineering goals for companies
Table 1.1: Common metrics aligned to goals per company stage
StageGoalCommon Metrics
Rapid Product Innovation
Remove blockers to launching new features and finding product-market fit.
  • Lead time and cycle times
  • Throughput
  • Deployment frequency
  • % delivered vs. committed
  • Bottlenecks
Mature the Product Offering
Develop a technical strategy to support an expanding tech stack and team. Introduce the scaffolding to support more teams, a larger codebase, and dependencies.
All of the above, plus:
  • Production stability (uptime, MTTR)
  • Platform/infra effectiveness
  • Cross-team dependencies
  • Code quality (coverage, test stability, smells, security)
  • Team productivity comparisons and benchmarks
  • Team composition
  • Developer satisfaction
  • Revenue per R&D FTE
Customer Growth and Retention
Balance speed with quality, safety, and reliability to support a growing customer base.
All of the above, plus:
  • On-time roadmap delivery
  • Velocity and quality benchmarks (DORA 4)
  • SLO and SLA compliance
  • Security and privacy compliance
  • Resource allocation vs. ideal targets
  • Onboarding effectiveness
  • Developer wait time (e.g., Git performance, build time, CI reliability, test flakiness)
  • R&D OpEx per R&D FTE
Maximize Profitability
Reduce costs, standardize to industry standards, and improve retention.
All of the above, plus:
  • Initiative tracking and impact
  • Infrastructure costs
  • Migration and consolidation impact metrics
  • Individual and team performance
  • Talent and skill composition

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Step 2: Identify Your Operating Model

Below are typical operating models that indicate the additional lenses through which you’ll want to analyze your metrics.

Table 1.2: Common metrics and analysis dimensions per operating model
Operating ModelDescriptionCommon Metrics
Heavily outsourced
  • Your organization relies on sub-contractors, usually from more than one vendor.
  • Your metrics should help compare insourced to outsourced productivity, measure the value you receive from each vendor, and ensure institutional knowledge is being captured to prevent vendor lock-in.
Productivity metrics per contract type and vendor
  • Productivity per dollar spent
  • Activity per dollar spent
  • Time spent vs. target hours
  • Velocity and throughput
  • Lead time and cycle times
  • Active vs. waiting times with special attention to handoffs and approvals
  • Quality of delivery (e.g., bugs per task)
  • Code, test, and documentation coverage
  • Task and PR hygiene
Geographically distributed
  • Your organization has globally distributed development centers. 
  • Your metrics should help assess the relative productivity of each location and identify collaboration challenges that must be addressed. 
Productivity metrics per location
  • Productivity per dollar spent per location
  • Impact of cross-geo collaboration on velocity, throughput, and quality metrics
  • Impact of cross-geo collaboration on MTTR and SLAs
  • Your organization has multiple employment types, including in-person, hybrid, and remote developers. 
  • Your metrics should help assess the relative productivity of each employment type. They should measure the impact of work-from-home policies on productivity and engagement and help inform policy, hiring, and promotion decisions. 
Productivity metrics per employment type
  • Onboarding effectiveness per employment type
  • The ‘before and after’ impact of WFH policy changes
  • Developer experience and satisfaction per employment type
Centralized SDLC
  • Often characterized by a monorepo, a centralized SDLC has specific impacts on the developer experience that need to be tracked.
  • Your metrics should help you identify technical areas for optimization. They need to be sliced and diced by application or services (as opposed to repo) and pinpoint where dependencies are slowing developers down.
Productivity metrics per application or service
  • PR review SLOs
  • Commit queue SLOs
  • Remote build execution and cache SLOs
  • Clean vs. cached build volume and runtimes
  • Test selection efficacy based on compute resources and change failure rate
Multiple SDLCs
  • Your organization has multiple SDLCs, often a result of a large portfolio and M&A.
  • Your metrics should help identify high-performing SDLCs to increase the cross-pollination of best practices and reduce the duplication of efforts.
Productivity and experience comparison per SDLC

Step 3: Identify Your Engineering Culture

Corporate and engineering culture will also influence the smallest unit of measurement, whether the individual or the team and how the metrics are applied. The table below illustrates a few examples.

Table 1.3: Common metrics and analysis dimensions per engineering culture 
Culture TypeDescriptionCommon Metrics
Compete culture
Employees are evaluated based on strict performance metrics and stack-ranked periodically.
  • Productivity by level and against forced distribution
  • Productivity vs. ideal (expectations)
Family culture
Engineering is encouraged to push towards a collective goal.
Productivity at the team level (not the individual)
Ad hoc culture
New teams are frequently spun up to collaborate on shorter-term projects.
Productivity by collaboration unit (e.g. project, application, squad) as defined by GitHub teams or Jira boards
Decentralized culture
Self-managed autonomous teams are provided a budget and are accountable for delivering business results.
P&L metrics

Chapter 2: Collecting the Data

Collecting data is the first step to creating visibility. Organizations commonly face the challenge of “islands of information,” where data is artificially siloed according to tool specialization. Cross-tool and cross-domain analysis often requires contorting and manipulating exported data into spreadsheets.  

Software engineering intelligence platforms like Faros AI help retire those spreadsheets by centralizing the data from a rich and complex combination of data sources, some standard and some bespoke, covering SaaS products and homegrown solutions, org structure data from HR systems, cost data from business systems, and much, much more. 

At enterprise scale, there are a lot of data sources to tackle and the task may seem overwhelming. In this chapter, you’ll learn a field-proven strategy for collecting data incrementally, creating valuable insight into productivity at each stage. 

In this chapter, we’ll answer these questions:

  • What sources should we extract engineering data from, and where do we start? 
  • Which data sources help tie engineering work to business value?
  • Should the data we collect be quantitative, qualitative, or both?

Guiding Principle: Begin with the Basics and Advance

In Chapter 1, you identified the metrics that can support your productivity goals and the secondary data sources that will allow you to analyze them based on your operating model.  You also thought about how this data will be consumed and shared based on your engineering culture. 

So now’s the time to begin assembling those pieces. A step-wise approach can deliver quick wins, build trust, and gradually develop the data-driven mindset you need. Layer by layer, you will assemble the complete picture of engineering productivity as you’ve envisioned it. 

The illustration below shows how to gradually create a complete picture of engineering productivity. So let’s break it down. 

Figure 2.1: The step-wise approach to data collection

Step 1: Baseline 

Set aside concerns about data quality and data hygiene. Normalization and validation are not a barrier to collection and we’ll address that in Chapter 3. For now, the first step involves baselining the current state in support of your first or primary use case.

  • Most organizations start with basic questions about developer productivity: How are engineers spending their time, how long do cycles take, and where are the bottlenecks? To that end, collect data sources for tasks and PRs.
  • To support how you want to slice and dice the information based on your operating model, you’ll also need to collect the relevant metadata about your reporting structure and, potentially, your product or application hierarchies. Collect HR data like Workday or import the data from an internal metadata service.

Step 2: Blend

Developer surveys capture developers’ perceptions of how their team delivers. They provide insights into points of friction in the software delivery process and more descriptive feedback about what can be improved at the team or organizational level. Developer surveys are key to tracking employee engagement and satisfaction with the developer experience over time. 

With your software engineering intelligence platform in place, the detailed and highly contextual feedback from developers can be lined up against the data you’ve collected from engineering systems and processes. Powerful insights come from blending qualitative insights from surveys with telemetry about systems, processes, and workflows. You’ll also discover the next set of high-priority data sources to connect to for deeper analysis.

  • Collect the results of developer surveys onto the platform, such that sentiment data from employee responses can be intersected with telemetry-based data from engineering systems. This helps corroborate specific complaints about speed, complexity, and dependencies with supporting systems data. 
  • Developers frequently complain that they spend too much time in meetings. Collect information about meeting load from collaboration systems like Calendars.

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Step 3: Expand

Don’t lose sight of the KPIs that act as checks and balances within your initiative. According to the authors of the SPACE framework, “productivity cannot be reduced to a single dimension… Only by examining a constellation of metrics in tension can we understand and influence developer productivity.”

That’s why, at this stage, you’ll want to expand to data sources related to quality and reliability to prevent over-focusing on velocity. You’ve likely identified several of these metrics in Chapter 1, and you should be ready to generate them now that the basics are in place.

  • Collect data to form a holistic view of quality, reliability, and security. Pre-production sources provide a view into deployments, bugs, code smells, vulnerabilities, code and test coverage, test stability, and flakiness. Post-production sources are the systems of record for customer issues and tickets, production incidents, and system outages.
  • Collect service-level metrics to correlate “code production" metrics with the stability and efficiency metrics of supporting systems and platforms. This includes metrics like CI reliability, build cache hit ratio, development environment usage statistics, and more.

Step 4: Align

The C-Suite expects the engineering department, like every other corporate function, to demonstrate its impact on corporate objectives. To that end, the next step is collecting business results data in support of quarterly and annual planning and OKR tracking.

Some of that information may be readily available in the task management systems you’ve connected, which will allow you to measure say/do ratios and on-time delivery of product roadmap.

That said, there is a lot more opportunity to illuminate costs and impacts by intersecting engineering data with business metrics pertaining to product usage, customer satisfaction, and financial performance.

  • Collect data from systems that record targeted business results, like cloud costs, uptime stats, customer satisfaction, and efficiency stats for business processes supported by engineering.
  • For engineering teams that operate in lower layers of the stack, consider proxy metrics that represent value to those who consume their output.

The following table summarizes the data sources to connect at each of stage of your program, with examples of specific tools.

Table 2.1: Data Sources for Engineering Productivity
  • Task management systems
  • Source control systems
  • CI/CD build and deploy events
  • HR data
  • Jira, Asana, ADO
  • GitHub, BitBucket
  • Workday
  • Survey tools and spreadsheets
  • Calendars
  • Google Sheets, Airtable, Qualtrics, GetDX
  • Google Calendar
  • Code quality tools
  • CI/CD build and deploy events
  • CI/CD individual test events
  • Incident management tools
  • SonarQube
  • Jenkins, CircleCI, Spinnaker, ArgoCD
  • ServiceNow, PagerDuty, StatusPage
  • Financial systems
  • Customer experience
  • Product analytics
  • Salesforce
  • Gainsight
  • Amplitude

In the next sections, we’ll provide guidance on the practicalities of collecting data from different data sources, including:

Standard and Custom Data Sources

During the data collection phase, the data will be stored in a canonical data model, where it is normalized into a single, connected data set that can be queried efficiently across the entire organization.

Inevitably, your data sources will include a combination of vendor tools and homegrown sources. Faros AI handles these sources as follows:

  • Popular vendor tools. Faros AI leverages optimized open-source connectors for common task management tools like Jira and Asana, source control tools like GitHub and GitLab, and static code analysis tools like SonarQube and Codacy. Connectors typically pull historical data from the source once and then pull dataset changes on a cadence. When possible, we recommend also using Webhooks to push data to Faros AI in real-time.
  • Custom homegrown tools and sources (including spreadsheets). Two easy options exist to ingest data from custom sources.
  • ~Connector Development Kit: Faros AI leverages an open-source framework called Airbyte, which has connectors to common sources like S3 and Postgres to ease development. You’ll simply have to map the data from the custom source to the schema.
  • ~Events CLI: For builds and deployments, it is easy to instrument the tool and send events to Faros AI. This is accomplished by adding a line of code to a preexisting CI/CD script.

Sources for Reporting Structure

Engineering productivity data is often examined based on reporting structure, with leaders tracking metrics for the sub-org and teams they manage.

For example, if available, Faros AI ingests this data from an HR data source like Workday, which will update us when people join or leave the company or upon a major re-org.  Within Faros AI, the reporting structure is used for rollups and drill-downs because it represents how your teams, teams of teams, and groups are organized. It also enables comparisons, outlier identification, and team-tailored insights.

Sources for Data Attribution and Ownership

Beyond the formal reporting hierarchy, your metrics will rely on accurate data attribution, which rarely has an evergreen source of truth. That’s why Faros AI infers the mapping between teams, apps, and repos, and auto-selects the best attribution method based on our experience and domain expertise.

As with any other metric behavior in Faros AI, you can change the default team attribution method to utilize the people whose data contributed to the work or the specific app or repo that the data touches.

Extending the Schema for Special Use Cases

The canonical data model is designed to represent all the relevant SDLC data in a cohesive, interconnected manner. To use it, you simply need to plug in your data. For example, Faros AI’s standard schema will be sufficient in 99% of cases. In rare edge cases where a certain data set does not fit perfectly within the schema, the schema can be extended by leveraging tags, custom columns, and custom metrics.

Chapter 3: Normalizing and Validating the Data

Every sizable engineering organization inevitably has different teams working in different ways. They have different workflows running on different tools and pipelines, use different custom fields and statuses, and release on different cadences. 

Analyzing all this data through a single lens requires normalization, and trusting the data requires confidence in its quality. We’ve worked with some of the world’s most complex software engineering organizations to develop a playbook to achieve both. 

In this chapter, we’ll answer these questions: 

  • How should we deal with multiple SDLCs and variance in tool usage?
  • How should we deal with poor data quality or data hygiene?

Guiding Principle: Don’t Let Perfect Be the Enemy of Good

To put it bluntly, every organization has data hygiene issues when it comes to human-curated data. That’s the bad news. But here’s the good news: 

  • Your organization has a lot of clean machine-generated data about PRs, builds, and deployments, where data hygiene is not an issue. 
  • Platforms like Faros AI do more than enough normalization to baseline performance and highlight hotspots, even with less-than-perfect hygiene for human-curated data. 
  • In the early days of your program, you’ll be focused on coarse, high-level metrics that baseline and benchmark performance and highlight areas of concern. At this level, the law of large numbers makes hygiene less of an issue.

The guiding principle here is to start measuring to create high-level visibility and then let the teams identify and address pressing data hygiene issues once they see how they are skewing their metrics. Never ask teams to change how they manage projects or use a tool before they start actually generating metrics and insights. Instead, let your software engineering intelligence platform highlight the inconsistencies that teams should address.

There will always be data hygiene problems. But if you can get a smaller set of clean data into Faros AI—for us it was PR data and build data—you can get those initial benchmarks. Then you can move on to improving data hygiene because you’ve built a data mindset in your engineering teams.

— Tulika Garg, Director of Developer Enablement & Ecosystem, Autodesk

Good data quality results from the organization’s commitment to becoming data-driven. Normally, no one is incentivized to address data hygiene until it starts impacting highly visible metrics. That is to say, once leaders start paying attention to metrics, the data hygiene issues will be fixed—but not before.

The road to improving data quality involves top-down and bottom-up motions: 

  • Top-down: Leaders hold their organization accountable for important metrics. 
  • Bottom-up: Teams review their metrics and address any underlying data quality issues.
Figure 3.1: Data quality improvement through top-down and bottom-up motions

If you treat data quality as a showstopper, you will never get visibility. And without visibility, you’ll never address the data quality issues. You’ll waste years trying to address data hygiene only to discover you were focused on fixing the wrong things. 

In summary, here are some simple dos and don’ts.

Table 3.1: Dos and don’ts to achieve data quality
Do start measuring for rapid baseline visibility
Don’t force your teams to refactor or standardize their processes
Do ask teams to validate the metrics and fix any glaring data hygiene issues, e.g., closing out tickets when they are done 
Don’t precondition visibility on data hygiene
Do offer a variety of standard processes in cases where it would drastically simplify measurement
Don’t mandate a single way of working for everyone

In the next sections, we’ll explain how a software engineering intelligence platform like Faros AI handles sophisticated normalization for common scenarios without requiring upfront standardization. This includes: 

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Multiple Data Sources for the Same Data

It is quite common for different teams or sub-orgs to use different tools. For example, one team might manage their tasks in Jira, another uses Asana, and a third uses GitLab. Another example is a company with multiple instances of the same tool.

Normalization is very simple in these cases. The Faros AI connectors normalize the data upon ingestion, automatically mapping corresponding data types to the right place in our canonical schema.

Same Tool, Different Workflows

Another common scenario is projects within a single tool, like Jira, that use different workflows, as expressed by statuses. Faros AI automatically deals with status transitions and provides the desired breakdowns based on the level of analysis:

  • Each team's particular workflow will be represented in its metrics, so team members can understand their bottlenecks, learn, and affect change where needed.
  • At the leadership level, where we’re zoomed out to team-of-teams or much larger groups, metrics will be abstracted to the common statuses of To Do, In Progress, and Done. This is sufficient to see the bottom line metrics leaders care about, like task cycle time and amount of work in progress.

Same Tool, Different Usage

Every team in your organization might be using Jira, but they’re using it very differently. Normalization is required to report effectively across this variance in tool usage.

The Faros AI approach is to be compatible with how people work today, especially at the very beginning of your program. To that end, the data normalization can be handled in a couple of ways:

  1. By building conditions into the chart queries. For example, let’s imagine you want to look at all high-priority unassigned issues. One team may use P0 and P1, while another uses Critical and High. A custom query can bake these different definitions into the chart.  
  2. By using the platform’s data transform capabilities. For example, one group uses epics to track initiatives, while another group uses tags on tasks, and a third group uses a custom issue type. Faros AI transforms the data to the initiative portion of our schema, so you can then query all the initiatives in a single way.

At some point, if the maintenance of the queries or transforms becomes too complex and error-prone, Faros AI recommends introducing a few standard options. You don’t force everyone to comply to the same behavior, rather to select one of a handful of approved ways of doing things. This should cover the majority of team preferences while keeping the in-tool configurations manageable.

Different Goals for Different Teams

Let’s face it: Good and bad are relative.

Consider one product under active development and another product that is in maintenance mode. While you may want to measure the same things for these teams — for example, throughput — they will have different definitions of good. “Good” is also relative to a baseline, and their starting points may be wildly different.

The Faros AI approach is to make it easy for every role to easily understand how teams are performing relative to contextual goals.

  • Teams can customize their thresholds for great, good, medium, and bad. These custom thresholds will be utilized for their personalized dashboards featuring team-level metrics and insights.
  • Leaders will get a bird’s-eye view at the organizational level that takes all the personalized thresholds into account and visually identifies hotspots. It will also call out areas of improvement or decline.

Note: Popular frameworks like DORA publish annual benchmarks, but the way the metric is defined might not be applicable to how you work. For example, Deployment Frequency measures how often you deploy code changes to production. If your organization has a major product release four times a year, strict adherence to that definition won’t give you the insight you seek. In this example, Faros AI recommends measuring deployment frequency to your pre-prod environments, with the caveat noted and internally understood.

Basic Data Validation

As Faros AI begins to ingest and normalize data, it will identify gaps in data collection and mapping. Through troubleshooting and cleanup, you can address and fix these errors. In addition, charts can be tweaked, for example, to use median instead of average.

During this phase, you may also discover places where processes are not being followed internally and need to address the issue with the relevant teams.

  • Faros AI produces a report that shows data gaps, including boards without an owner and teams without data.
  • Faros AI highlights anomalies and outliers, primarily found in human-curated data, like tasks that have been open for hundreds of days or tasks that moved directly from ToDo to Done.

Once your data has been validated, you’ve paved the way to the next stage of analyzing it.

Chapter 4: Analyzing the Data

Once your data has been ingested and normalized, your dashboards and scorecards begin to populate. Now, it’s time to start understanding the data.

The beauty of centralizing and integrating your data is that by making those connections, you’ll be able to uncover the contributing factors to current performance and understand what to improve.

This chapter will cover how to start comprehending the data on day one and over time as you deepen your examination. In Chapter 5, the final chapter of this handbook, we’ll discuss how to operationalize the data to become a data-driven organization.

In this chapter, we’ll answer these questions:

  • How do we begin to understand what our metrics are saying?
  • How do we uncover trends and extract clear insights to drive improvement?
  • How do we optimize processes and reduce bottlenecks?

Guiding Principle: Take a Role-Based Approach

Data is collected to serve two purposes:

  1. Answer me, i.e., to answer questions you know to ask. For example, “How are we doing on the five reliability KPIs we’re doubling down on this year?” Out-of-the-box or customized dashboards will help you measure and track these things. You can also conduct ad-hoc analysis to answer new questions as they come up.
  2. Tell me, i.e., to learn things you would never know to ask. For example, “In the Mobile and Data Platform groups, the ratio of engineering managers to developers is higher than industry benchmarks, indicating an opportunity to rebalance resources.” These insights are provided by curated analytics, statistical analysis, and machine learning.

Because a person’s role and seniority in the organization determine both their questions and what they want to be told, the guiding principle for analyzing data is to apply a role-based lens.

Figure 4.1: Applying a role-based lens to day one analysis

The first thing to do is get a sense of overall health for the performance dimensions you care about, confirm your gut feelings, and identify hotspots. This is what we call “day one analysis.” The table below lists the day-one metrics and analysis dimensions recommended for each role.

Table 4.0: Day-one engineering productivity analysis by role
RoleAnalysis DimensionsDay-One Questions to Answer
Senior Engineering Leader
Top-down for my organization, split by sub-org and teams
  • KPIs, overall health, and hotspots
  • Key initiative progress
  • Cost vs. impact
  • Resource allocation
Line Manager
Bottom-up for my team, split by service, repo, and IC
  • Baseline velocity and quality
  • Performance trends
  • Bottlenecks and dependencies
Functional Leaders (e.g., Product, TPM, PPM)
Horizontal for my domain, split by teams, repos, and pipelines
  • On-time delivery
  • Process efficiency
  • Planning efficacy
  • Coaching efficacy
  • Bottlenecks and dependencies
Functional Leaders (e.g., Platform Engineering, DevEx)
Horizontal for my domain, split by teams, repos, and pipelines
  • Tool utilization and impact
  • Delivery velocity and bottlenecks
  • Resource allocation
Functional Leaders 
(e.g., QA, Security)
Horizontal for my domain, split by teams, repos, or services
  • KPIs, SLAs, SLOs
  • Bottlenecks and dependencies
Initiative Leaders (e.g., Migration, Modernization, AI)
Horizontal for my initiative, split by teams
  • Resource utilization
  • Budget planned vs. actuals
  • Risk
HR Leaders
(Team of Teams)
Top-down for my employees, split by geo, employment type, tenure, and manager
  • Engagement and retention health
  • Process efficiency
  • Hotspots

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After you’ve gotten the initial read from the data (and triggered some data cleanup, if warranted), it’s time to go deeper. In this section, we’ll provide guidance on how to:

Quickly Gauging the Current State with Benchmarks

Organizations like to reference industry benchmarks to gain a better perspective on their comparative strengths and weaknesses. These popular benchmarks are often born of extensive research that ties high performance to better financial performance, which can help:

  • Set priorities: Where do we start?
  • Set goals: What should we aim for?
  • Justify investments: How do we incrementally become world-class?

Faros AI incorporates many software engineering industry benchmarks and best practices for velocity, quality, reliability, predictability, security, and organizational composition to help you quickly evaluate your situation. These metrics are provided at every level of analysis.

Benchmarks include but are not limited to the DORA 4 (lead time, deployment frequency, change failure rate, and mean time to restore), cycle times, velocity, say/do ratios, planned vs. unplanned work, AI coding assistant impact, and staffing ratios. Use these benchmarks to understand your relative standing and surface performance areas to focus on.

Counteracting Data Overload with Visualization

Senior leaders typically benefit from effective summarization by a single powerful visualization. For example, the Faros AI scorecard consolidates the top 5–10 KPIs the organization has chosen as the most impactful leading and lagging metrics. It highlights which areas of the organization are performing well and which require attention. From there, it’s easy to drill down into sub-orgs and more detailed views, if required.

Counteracting Data Overload with AI

A lot of data can be both a blessing and a curse. Engineering leaders don’t have the time or capacity to spend hours sifting through dashboards and digging into the details. Like any leader, they prefer the key takeaways and interesting insights delivered to them. AI is like a group of expert data analysts to augment your staff and provide a daily or weekly briefing.

For example, Faros AI utilizes AI layer upon layer, from the simple to the complex, to shorten the time between identifying an issue and taking corrective action. Lighthouse AI, its built-in AI engine, applies statistical analysis and machine learning to pinpoint problem areas in specific sub-orgs, repos, applications, or stages of the SDLC. It automates very difficult and time-consuming analysis if done manually.

Lighthouse AI uses a proprietary machine-learning workflow to analyze key engineering metrics against 250+ factors that can impact them. It then presents personalized team-tailored insights into what’s inhibiting or improving performance. It also leverages LLMs to summarize and explain the findings and recommend solutions clearly.

Here are the different ways Lighthouse AI works.

Table 4.1: Lighthouse AI capabilities to counteract data overload
Individual MetricsRich DashboardsConversational Chat
Explains the metric: How is this metric computed?
Explains the dashboard: What is this dashboard about?
Helps query data: How can I measure ABC?
Summarizes the data and key takeaways: What are the findings?
Summarizes the data and key takeaways: What are the issues?
Alerts when a threshold is exceeded: When is it time to take action?
Recommends next steps: What should I do to address the issue?
Identifies outlier teams: What is causing significant variations in performance?
Recommends next steps: What should I do to address the issue?

Validating and Contextualizing Insights

Now that you’ve baselined your data, you’ve identified hotspots, bottlenecks, or areas of friction. You’ve also begun to uncover their contributing factors — with or without AI. Next, it’s time to validate and contextualize the information.

No one knows your business like your developers and managers, so any statistical finding should be validated by the people involved. Below is a tried-and-true approach.  

  1. Measure: Gather the data points indicative of an issue.
  2. Understand: Deepen your understanding of the issue by adding context.
  3. ~Talk to your team. Speak to your team members to get their perspective. Learn what they think is happening and why. This is where you tie the telemetry to all your institutional knowledge and business context.
  4. ~Consult developer survey data. Developer surveys should ask developers what’s causing the most friction in their daily work. If you’re not yet importing your qualitative developer survey data into Faros to correlate it with quantitative data, consider doing that now. If not possible, manually review recent developer surveys to see what they say about the issue.
  5. ~Confirm the priority. How important and consequential is this issue? Arrive at a consensus on whether this issue is worth pursuing now.
  6. Decide: Formulate a hypothesis and customize visibility to accompany your analysis.  
  7. ~Formulate a hypothesis, time-box it, set a goal, and consider the different levers you have to take action.
  8. ~Set up granular metrics for the workflow or process in question, if required. For example, if the issue pertains to incident resolution, configure a flow in Faros AI that will allow you to examine every step of the process across tools and interactions like Detect > Create > Triage > Resolve > Restore. This will help you measure the impact of your changes throughout its cycles.
  9. ~Create new charts or dashboards that will enable you to examine the factors at play. For example, if your hypothesis is that incident resolution times are influenced by cross-geo delays, customize a chart to incorporate the geographical location of the team members involved.
  10. ~Configure alerts or notifications that will be helpful in tracking or addressing the issue.
  11. Act.
  12. ~Enact the change. Designate someone to be focused on the issue and the change management process. They should enable the teams, monitor the impact, and share the learnings.
  13. ~Monitor the impact. After acting, keep your eyes on the metrics. Is the change helping you achieve your goal? Are there unintended consequences you need to address?
Figure 4.2 Validating and contextualizing insights with
the continuous improvement loop

Performing Ad-Hoc, Impromptu Analysis

Looking at data frequently prompts additional questions, like:

  • Why was March such an outlier month?
  • Did the new process we implemented in June impact our performance?
  • What does last year’s holiday season tell us about this year’s planning?

Now that you have data at your fingertips, you can answer those questions faster.

Last quarter, our SVP asked me for information and walked away, expecting it to take a couple of days. I was back in five minutes with all the data.

— Matt Runkle, Sr Director of Engineering, SmartBear

Faros AI recommends your organization designates at least one data analyst for the engineering productivity initiative. This individual should be deeply familiar with your business, priorities, and ways of working. During the implementation and customization phase, Faros AI will train them on the Faros AI data model so that they develop the expertise to produce meaningful metrics and dashboards efficiently and independently.

In addition, platform end-users can leverage wizards and natural language prompting to find answers. When relevant, Faros AI will suggest existing charts that meet the bill and guide the user to apply custom filters, aggregations, and visualizations to get the precise chart they want. When a custom metric is in order, a chat interface helps users learn how to build a custom query, including which tables to use, key information about the data, and a variety of tips and tricks. It can also simply build the query for them.

Chapter 5: Operationalizing the Data to Achieve Impact

Tools don’t magically change your company. It’s your use of them that does.
Implementing a software engineering intelligence platform is similar to implementing Salesforce. Salesforce doesn’t magically increase sales. The use of Salesforce data in recurring cadences to inform decision-making and strategy does.

For example, the Head of Sales has to make a practice of reviewing key sales metrics and performance indicators in weekly meetings. Salespeople are expected to keep their data up to date, track their progress towards goals, and come to meetings prepared to discuss next steps and priorities. In QBRs, data from Salesforce is pulled up in support of the review and the proposed action plan.

Instilling similar behaviors enables engineering’s transformation to data-driven engineering operations.

In this chapter, we’ll answer these questions:

  • How do we become a data-driven organization?
  • How do we use our engineering data to continuously improve?
  • How do we make sure we’re investing in the right things and are resourced accordingly?

Guiding Principle: Incorporate Data in Your Recurring Cadences

Engineering is a big and important function, supported by recurring cadences designed to facilitate organizational learning and growth and to ensure objectives are met.

Prior to introducing a software engineering intelligence platform, these cadences were often conducted based on partial visibility, low-quality data, one-off spreadsheets, and gut feelings. Now, all of these cadences can benefit from the injection of golden, objective data.

The biggest benefit we see is that we no longer rely on gut feelings to set our action items. We now have a combined picture from all the tools we use and can do much more sophisticated analysis. Our transition to data-driven retros has energized and motivated the team; they love seeing the impact of their efforts in the charts.

— Elad Kochavi, Engineering Manager, Riskified

For many organizations, change management will be necessary to modify existing meeting protocols and practices to now include the presentation and discussion of integrated data.

The table below illustrates the guiding principles for implementing the transition to data-driven engineering operation.

Table 5.1:  Transitioning to data-driven engineering operations
Establish ownership and accountability for change
Don’t force your teams to refactor or standardize their processes
Make resource allocation and decision approvals contingent on supporting data
Ensure every team is accountable for its data & continuous improvement
Imbue an internal champion with the authority to institute new data-driven practices
Make it easy to run meetings and business processes with data by building dashboards for each cadence
Require data evidence for resource, prioritization, and HR-related decisions
Train teams on their metrics and how to ensure data quality and accuracy

In the following sections, we’ll review how to inject data into your main recurring cadences through the five-pillar model of engineering operations.

Injecting Data into the Five Pillars of Engineering Operations

Whether a scaling startup or a mega-enterprise, world-class engineering organizations operate on the foundation of five essential pillars: Budgets, Talent, Productivity, Delivery, and Outcomes. These pillars ensure that operations are efficient, strategic, and aligned with the company’s goals.

Figure 5.1: The five pillars of engineering operations

Each pillar is reinforced by specific recurring processes and cadences that facilitate sustained performance and growth. When these meetings are fueled with high-quality, evergreen data, decisions are made faster and more confidently.

As mentioned in Chapter 1, most organizations launch their programs with productivity in mind and then expand clockwise to the other pillars.

In the following sections, we describe the main recurring cadences in each pillar and the recommended metrics to review in each:

Productivity Cadence Metrics

Platform Engineering, Developer Experience, and Architecture teams implement ongoing initiatives to modernize technology, optimize workflows, enhance collaboration, and remove bottlenecks. Monthly operational reviews are structured to review key metrics, address challenges, and align on priorities. Project reviews focus on the progress and impact of foundational transformations like migration, modernization, compliance initiatives, and tool and technology implementations.

Table 5.2: Metrics for recurring cadences focused on productivity
Productivity Recurring CadencesMetrics
Group-level operational review
  • On-time release success rates
  • Release delays vs. target
  • Feature rollout progress
  • Recent service-level metrics
  • Production incident review (“SEVs”)
  • Tool/process adoption
Product or team technical review
Analyzed for each component within the team’s scope of ownership or from the product lens:
  • Deployment frequency
  • What shipped this quarter
  • Activity volume by work type
  • Velocity
  • Service-level metrics (e.g. uptime, performance, production incidents, KTLO, number of production defects, vulnerabilities by severity )
  • Qualitative feedback
Periodic developer experience survey review
  • Analysis of qualitative responses
  • Correlation of qualitative responses to quantitative data
  • Hotspot identification

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Delivery Cadence Metrics

Delivery is most commonly managed through agile methodologies, with work segmented into short, iterative cycles such as sprints or development iterations. Regular stand-ups, sprint planning, and retros help ensure projects remain on track and deliverables meet quality standards. Monthly product and tech reviews provide a structured forum for assessing progress, addressing issues, and aligning priorities.

Table 5.3: Metrics for recurring cadences focused on delivery
Delivery Recurring CadencesMetrics
Quarterly Planning
Previous quarter look-back to inform next quarter:
  • Velocity, throughput, and quality metrics to adjust capacity estimations, priorities, and commitments
  • Resource allocation across initiatives and work types
  • Previous quarter’s work distribution
  • % completion of initiatives and analysis of outstanding work
  • Cross-team dependencies and bottlenecks
  • Adherence to targeted resource allocation (strategic/innovation, bug fixes, KTLO, tech debt)
Sprint Retros
Planning accuracy and predictability:
  • Say/Do ratios
  • Unplanned work percentage
  • Developer satisfaction
  • Task and PR Hygiene
  • Backlog health
  • WIP
Progress vs. goals:
  • % completion of epics and analysis of outstanding work
Initiative/project reviews
  • Initiative progress vs. plan and budgets
  • Predicted delays and cost overruns
  • Breakdown of remaining work by epic and team

Outcomes Cadence Metrics

Organizations operate on a quarterly cadence to set, review, and adjust their objectives and key results (OKRs). This process aligns teams with strategic goals, measures progress, and ensures accountability. Regular check-ins and quarterly reviews facilitate continuous alignment and goal achievement. Cross-functional QBRs provide a comprehensive evaluation of the quarter’s performance against the set OKRs.

Table 5.4: Metrics for recurring cadences focused on outcomes
Outcome CadencesMetrics
C-Suite and Board Reporting
  • Engineering as a % of revenue
  • Revenue per engineer
Quarterly reviews (start, mid, and end of quarter)
All of the above, plus:
Initiative progress:
  • Initiative progress vs. goals and risks
  • Remaining work per initiative
  • Risk mitigation strategies
  • Cost vs. impact
Business metrics:
  • Growth metrics
  • Customer retention metrics
  • QoQ North Star metrics (adoption, usage, revenue, retention, security, reliability, CSAT)
  • Engineering as a percentage of revenue
  • Revenue per engineer
Roadmap metrics:
  • Delivery update (completed, in progress, up-next)
  • Committed work by investment category
  • Delivered work by investment category
  • Revenue per engineer
Portfolio/Product KPIs:
  • % delivered vs. committed, and cause/reason
  • Initiative progress vs. goals
  • Productivity vs. goals (velocity, throughput)
  • Quality vs. goals (number of critical defects, open and closed bugs by team, code coverage)
  • Availability SLAs (e.g., closed bugs SLA, open bugs SLA, % of bugs solved out of SLA)
  • Support SLAs (MTTR, code coverage, CSAT)
  • Security SLAs
  • Bottlenecks and dependencies
In our QBRs, metrics in Faros AI help map engineering’s work to business value. The excellence with which our engineering teams deliver and operate can be tied directly to the lagging results, like helping the business acquire, retain, upsell, or increase customer satisfaction.

— Shai Peretz, SVP Engineering, Riskified

Budget Cadence Metrics

Engineering organizations begin their annual strategic planning towards the end of the fiscal year. This process involves forecasting financial needs, allocating resources, and setting financial goals for the upcoming year. Budget reviews and adjustments are made throughout the year to ensure alignment with evolving priorities and market conditions.

Table 5.5: Metrics for recurring cadences focused on budgets and staffing
Budget Recurring CadencesMetrics
Annual planning and quarterly review
  • Engineering as a percentage of revenue
  • Revenue per engineer
  • ROI by engineering initiative
  • Resource allocation vs. revenue
  • Productivity vs. benchmarks
  • Productivity per location
  • Organization composition by role
  • Management overhead vs. benchmarks
  • Functional staffing ratios vs. benchmarks
Global sourcing review and planning
  • Productivity per dollar spent per location
  • Productivity per employment type
  • Productivity per contract type
Vendor and subcontractor contract negotiations and renewals
  • Productivity per dollar spent per subcontractor
  • Vendor costs and ROI
Global sourcing review and planning
  • Capitalized software development costs per period

Talent Cadence Metrics

Talent reviews and performance evaluations are conducted twice a year to assess employee performance, identify high-potential talent, plan for career development, and identify skill gaps. Compensation reviews, which are typically implemented in March or April, ensure that employee remuneration reflects performance and market standards, thus attracting and retaining top talent.

Incorporating objective data in these processes reduces subjectivity, speeds up preparation, and increases confidence in decision-making. It also ensures feedback is evidence-based, leading to clear and actionable development goals.

Table 5.5: Metrics for recurring cadences focused on budgets and staffing
Talent Recurring CadencesMetrics
Performance reviews
  • PRs authored and tasks completed with respect to size, complexity, and impact (over time, by work type, by epic)
  • PR and task cycle times relative to team/peers
  • ROI by engineering initiative
  • Resource allocation vs. revenue
  • PR quality (PR size, code quality analysis, review time, number of comments, number of reverts)
  • Productivity per location
  • Number of PR reviews completed
  • Number of authors reviewed
  • Number of reviewers
  • Number of bugs and incidents resolved
  • Comparison to similar cohorts by role, seniority, and tenure
Talent reviews and workforce planning
  • Number of engineers (by level, by job profile)
  • Functional staffing ratios vs. benchmarks
  • Team composition outliers vs. benchmarks (by level, by job profile)
  • Open headcount (by level, by job profile)
  • Attrition rate
  • Number of at-risk attrition employees
  • Technology and coding language usage
  • Developer CSAT
Organization structuring
  • Productivity per location
  • Productivity per employment type
  • Productivity per dollar spent
  • Engineering overhead ratio
  • Cross-team dependencies
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