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GitHub Copilot Evaluation - now on the GitHub Marketplace!

We have released an App on the GitHub Marketplace to help engineering leaders evaluate the impact of GitHub Copilot on productivity and outcomes.

This App provides dashboards that help your organization confidently transition from pilots and evaluations to large-scale adoption.

We help:

  • Track adoption and understand usage over time
  • Measure the time savings and economic benefit
  • Identify which teams benefit the most and how saved time is being reinvested
  • Capture developer sentiment with out-of-the-box developer surveys
  • Benchmark speed, quality, and security improvements against peers
  • Observe before and after metrics, and compare the performance of Copilot-enabled developers vs. their peers


This set of Faros AI dashboards measures the impact of GitHub Copilot on software engineering and helps you get the rollout right.

  • Improve rollout, training, and mentoring by understanding which teams and roles are adopting the fastest
  • Easily present metrics and findings to executive leadership, helping to set the right expectations
  • See where constraints and bottlenecks are emerging and mitigate unintended consequences quickly
  • Identify unused licenses to maximize value
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